Elder Austin J. Johnson

Elder Austin J. Johnson
Elder Austin Johnson has been called to serve in the Marshall Islands Marjuro Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and invites you to share in his adventure! "You will know at the finish line."

Monday, December 5, 2016

06 November 2016 (Addendum)

Moktata ro jeiu im jatu iokwe!

I just want this week to be simple and sweet. But before I do: I just want to send a shoutout to my brother Elder Westbury for completing his mission with honor and I can't wait to see him when I get home myself.

Sweet and Simple Message:

This mission has taught me a lot of things already. It has taught me survival skills, social skills, cooking skills (I am upgrading from Pop-Tarts :) ) but mostly, it has taught me about my own faith in this Church

I know that this Church is the true Church on the Earth today. I know that Jesus Christ is the head of our Church and he leads His work through a prophet that lives today, President Thomas S Monson. I know that prayer is real. I know that God has blessings for all of us, and all we have to do to receive them is ask. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. I encourage you to study the testimony of Joseph Smith and pray about it if you don't believe me. I promise that you will feel something. I love you all. I know the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and that if you abide by its precepts and teachings you will draw closer to God than ever before and feel His presence forever around you. Oh sweet, the joy THIS sentence gives: I KNOW THAT MY REDEEMER LIVES!

Ofa Atu

Elder Johnson

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